Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Pangan publishes original and important research manuscripts dealing with :


Food Nutrition 

Molecular nutrition; effects of foods and nutrients.

Food Processing 

Thermal Process and non thermal Process in  food industry

Food Packaging 

Packaging method, material packaging,  and effect of food packaging to  food shelf life

Food Microbiology 

Isolation and bacterial screening, antimicrobial, Food Preservation, Fermentation

Food Chemistry/Biochemistry

Natural material screening, antioxidant activity, Extraction,  Bioactive component, Enzyme

Food Biotechnology 

Genetic engineering, Fermentation

Food Industrial Technology 

Food Value Chain, Food Supply Chain, Food Logistic

Food Safety 

Aplications of  HACCP, GMP and SSOP for  food safety

Food Security  

Food Diversification, Local Food

Food Nano Science and technoloogy